Ash Wednesday -February 14th, 2024.
7:30 am &12:05 Mass w/ distribution of ashes
8:30 am SAS Mass w/distribution of Ashes
5:00pm English Mass w/distribution of Ashes
8:30 pm Creole Mass w/distribution of Ashes
Palm Sunday -March 24th (Passion of the Lord)
Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm English, 7:30 pm Spanish
Sunday: 8am ,9:30 am &11:30 am English, 1:30 pm Spanish
5pm Creole
Holy Thursday “Mass of the Lord Supper”– March 28th
Please note there is no 7:30am or 12:05 pm Mass.
7:00pm Trilingual Mass (English, Spanish &Creole)
Good Friday “Celebration of Lord’s Passion- March 29th, 2024
Note: There is no 7:30 am or 12:05 pm Mass
12:00 pm English Station of the cross
3:00 pm English Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
5:00 pm Creole Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
7:00 pm Spanish Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday – March 30th
Note: There is no 4:30 pm Vigil Mass
6:00pm English Easter Vigil
8:00pm Spanish Easter Vigil
10:00pm Creole Easter Vigil